Hubby is home and we'll be busy for the next day or two. Friday nite out with friends for dinner and then Saturday, hubby will recieve his 1 MILLION Mile awards. And then Saturday after noon, stamp camp. I'll be ready to rest come Sunday.
Tonight, I'm sharing a tea light candle holder made with the SU Flower Folds Die. I used some "flashing" that I purchased from Lowe's and E6000 to glue the pieces together. Picked up a small tea light clear glass holder at a local "box" store. That's it! Simple as that!!!
What do you think? Cute or what? I would like to get some spray paint and paint them different colors, will have to experiment with that.
That's it for tonight, have a great weekend. Thanks so much for stoppin by. Remember, keep on stampin, it's good for your soul.
Your SU Friend,
This is awesome Lois! Love it...tfs!!
I am in awe! You enabler you-now I want this die!
What a great idea! Are the edges sharp? Did you have to do anything to the edges to have them not be sharp?
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